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Your Founder's Hub for Startup Resources

Kick start your startup with us — from the first brainstorming session to conquering the market. Forget boring textbooks; with us, you'll learn from real mistakes and real success. Scale? It's a breeze with our resources and insider tips. Get ready to rock the startup world.

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Success in 4 steps

I'll coach you! — Our collaboration focuses on your idea and your business. Together, we develop tailor-made solutions that are perfectly tailored to your needs. We are more than just consultants — we are your partner on your way to becoming a sustainably successful company.

Meet Sebastian, the StartupCFO

An experienced entrepreneur

Former CFO at Footlocker Europe, almost 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur with a focus on digital business models

Digital and financial expertise

Many years of experience in “digital M&A” and in raising capital as interim CFO

Founder of startups

Founder of several startups, exit to Footlocker

Number lover

Numbers-oriented strategist and organizational geek

“Fundraising is essential for startups to be able to grow!”

Sebastian Janus

Your startup/fundraising expert

From an idea to addressing investors

My mission is to make it as easy as possible for you to get started in the world of successful fundraising. I would like to accompany you on this journey.
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The first phase that every founder goes through is the Ideation Stage, where the idea is consolidated and the founding is prepared. With me, you'll find everything you need to start and structure your idea!
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The second phase that every startup goes through is the founding phase, in which the actual founding takes place. In this phase, many aspects must be considered, from the choice of company form to business registration. Here you'll find all the resources you need to actually start up:
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When the start-up is complete, it is about product development, market maturity and finally the growth of the start-up. This phase is particularly demanding because there is no “right” path and every startup has to find its own path. You can find help and resources here:
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At some point, almost every startup reaches a limit where external capital is required. An investor is often called in for this, but these investors want to be convinced and do not simply give away their money. I have resources to prepare you for financing and help you find investors.
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An all-in-one platform that leaves no questions unanswered

The StartupCFO is an educational platform for startup founders. We notice time and again that the world of starting a start-up is often opaque and that resources for education are only limited. That is exactly what I want to change with my team! We open doors to exceptional insights through our platform. Together with my team, we help you understand what is needed to found and establish your company in the long term and sustainably.

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What others are saying about the StartupCFO

“Sebastian always had the right resource at hand”

Sebastian offers top advice specifically for startups and always had the right resources at hand for me. He knows what a good pitch looks like, how to find the right investors and successfully scale

Marcel Baldt

Partner at BREAKEVEN

“Working with Sebastian was an important step on the road to success”

Sebastian Janus has proven to be essential to our success. With his deep understanding of finance and strategic growth, he has helped our startup to assert itself in a highly competitive market.

Jaqueline Dupond

Co-Founder at INNOVATEX Ventures


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