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How I got here...

My background is in corporate SaaS companies and I always had a dream to work for myself

I Believe That...

My background is in corporate SaaS companies and I always had a dream to work for myself

My Dream For You Is...

My background is in corporate SaaS companies and I always had a dream to work for myself
100% entrepreneur

I'm sebastian Janus

Hey, I'm Sebastian - the head behind StartupCFO.

In 2005 I found a gap in the market - no online shops for shoes. That was the birth of Tredex, my first startup. In 2010, the Runners Point Group took over the majority of Tredex and I remained on board the group as CFO. Seven years later, it was time for the big exit to Foot Locker.

The corporate world somehow felt narrow and unfulfilling. I wanted to be an entrepreneur again and quit my secure job in 2017 - entrepreneurship was and still is my true passion back then. In 2018 I founded my startup consultancy because I realized that startups always face the same challenges: They would like to become an expert in everything. I would therefore like to pass on my practical expert knowledge through my all-in-one platform and make it accessible to everyone.

To sump it up

I want to help you grow your business and eliminate the guessing game

Understanding metrics is the keys to business success and growth, it will eliminate the guessing game, and remove. The emotions from a business decisions


Launches Managed


Number of Template Sold


Dollar Generated

+90M €

Capital raised

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I recom mend starting with these resources...

Help empower people from all around the world with the skills and knowledge to become an lgendary designer. The best thing about it? You get 20% on sales while doing it.

Step 1

Metrics Tracking Template

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Step 1

Metrics Tracking Template

Fill out a quick form and let us know what you want to promote.

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Step 1

Metrics Tracking Template

Fill out a quick form and let us know what you want to promote.

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Your next steps

Ready to get started?

Learn how to scale your business and step into your CEO role by making strategic, data-driven decisions

Google Ads services

Clarity gives you the blocks & components you need to create a truly professional website, landing page or admin panel for your SaaS.

Quick delivery

With a team spread far and wide, we hope to guide designers across the world to achieve their goals


With a team spread far and wide, we hope to guide designers across the world to achieve their goals


With a team spread far and wide, we hope to guide designers across the world to achieve their goals

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