Scalable Capital

Fintech - Presentation by Dr. Ella Rabener, Co-Founder UK & Global CMO of Scalable Capital at the NOAH Conference London 2017, Old Billingsgate on the 3rd of November 2017.


Discover Scalable Capital's Approach to Fintech in Their Series E Pitch Deck

About Scalable Capital

Scalable Capital is a prominent leader within the fintech startup niche, offering cutting-edge investment solutions. These include brokerage services and a sophisticated portfolio optimization process. The company honed in on a unique value proposition – creating access for anyone to invest via affordable savings plans commencing at €1. Scalable Capital's strides have earned it the trust of a robust customer base, with over €15 billion in client assets and a highly-rated application.

About Scalable Capital's PitchDeck

The pitch deck used by Scalable Capital during its Series E investment round in 2017 was pivotal in showcasing the company's growth trajectory and potential within the market. Its unique value proposition, the democratization of investment, was a focal point within the deck. The use of such targeted insights and comprehensive data managed to secure a staggering $305.0 million in funding.

Why Investors Believed in Scalable Capital?

Investors keenly grasped the value proposition Scalable Capital brought to the table. Its commitment to making investment opportunities accessible to all, low-cost savings plans, and technologically robust platform made it an attractive avenue for investment. Furthermore, the company's healthy track record, underscored by the $15 billion in client assets, indicated a strong potential for consistent growth. All of these aspects shone through in Scalable Capital's Series E pitch deck, playing a pivotal role in securing investor faith and substantial funding.

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